Plant Management Information System

Note: This is a minimal abstract. A more detailed abstract will be created in the future.

Basic Information
Name: Plant Management Information System
Acronym: PMIS
Author/Owner/Steward: US Army Corps of Engineers
Type: Information Source
Platform: Online service and standalone database for PC


The current version of PMIS, version 6.0, provides identification information and management techniques for over 150 species of noxious and nuisance vegetation including species from the terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland habitats. This is an increase of over 40 species from the ones included in the previous version. Information on the application and use of the foremost management techniques is also included. An additional feature of this version of the PMIS is the inclusion of an additional 10 states into the State Noxious Plant and Pesticide Laws Information System (SNPPLIS). This system now allows access to noxious weed and pesticide laws as well as noxious weed lists for all 50 states. PMIS uses a variety of media types to allow for efficient access to the included information. This includes hyper-linked text, photographs, maps, illustrations, videos and expert system programming.

Contact Information

Contact Name: Dr. Michael J. Grodowitz
Contact Email:

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