written by Grant Hamilton
Basic Information
Author/Owner/Steward: US Department of the Interior and US Forest Service
Type: Geodatabase
Platform: Website and ArcGIS data access tool


LANDFIRE is an interagency vegetation, fire, and fuel characteristics mapping program, sponsored by the US Department of the Interior and the US Forest Service. The Nature Conservancy has partnered with the federal agencies on this project.

Although it was originally developed with hazardous fuels reduction applications in mind, LANDFIRE data will be useful to researchers and managers in a variety of settings. Data products available include Existing Vegetation Type, Canopy, and Height; Biophysical Settings; Environmental Site Potential; Fire Behavior Fuel Models; Fire Regime Classes; and Fire Effects layers.


LANDFIRE information products are not just for wildland firefighting. For case studies of LANDFIRE in actions see Examples of LANDFIRE data being used across the country and Applications & Case Studies from the Nature Conservancy.

Data Access

LANDFIRE layers are available as ESRI ArcGRID or GeoTiff files with a resolution of 30m which are updated every two years. LANDFIRE’s Data Distribution Site features an interactive viewer which allows users to select an area of interest by dragging a box around it or entering coordinates. Layers available for download in the area of interest will appear in a dropdown menu. A data access tool for ArcGIS 9.2/9.3 and 10.X is also available.

Technical References

LANDFIRE Science and Application Library –

  • Includes white papers, information on production methods, and publications.

The Nature Conservancy’s LANDFIRE website –

  • Includes tutorials, a bibliography, and the latest news and updates on the LANDFIRE project.

Contact Information

Contacts: Henry Bastian, DOI Business Lead and Frank Fay, USFS Business Lead
LANDFIRE Helpdesk:

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