Comet VR

Basic Information
Name: Voluntary Reporting Carbon Management Evaluation Tool
Acronym: Comet VR
Author/Owner/Steward: NRCS and Colorado State University Natural Resource Ecology Lab
Type: Tool
Platform: Web Tool

Description from Website

U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is a key developer of the Voluntary Reporting Carbon Management Evaluation Tool (COMET-VR) which helps farmers and ranchers report the effectiveness of various land management systems for agricultural soil carbon sequestration. The Century Soil Organic Matter model developed at Colorado State University was chosen as the method to assess soil carbon stock changes occurring on non-federal cropland, rangeland and pasture lands in the conterminous U.S. The Century model output from COMET-VR provides an estimate of soil C changes specific for land management alternatives within US Regions. Currently, management descriptions are available at the MLRA level.

Contact Information

Contact Name: None given
Contact Email: None given

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